The Why

Why choose l’eclat

Picking L'eclat means choosing a fashion haven that stands out from the rest. What sets us apart? It's simple – our stuff may be used, but it's practically brand new. We personally go through each piece carefully, to ensure its authenticity and its flawless condition before it gets shipped to you.

Why L'eclat? Because we're reliable and you can trust us. Once you've made a choice, we get your order out within 24-48 hours. Why the quick turnaround? Because we get that your purchase matters, and we want you to enjoy it ASAP.

Quality is a big deal for us. That's why our collection isn't all over the place size-wise. You may never find an item in more than one size. So, when you go for L'eclat, you're not just getting fashion – you're getting a promise of quality and a shopping experience that's all about you.

Clearly stating that we are not affiliated in any way with any of the brands that we sell.